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Commissioned Paintings
Inspiration transformed into an enduring work of art

A large part of Stephanie Powers’ work is devoted to commissioned paintings––primarily Pet Portraits, Home Portraits, and landscapes.  Although she works in any size, most of the Pet Portraits she has created are 8” x 10”. Home Portraits are larger, with most clients selecting 11” x 14” as an appropriate size. Prices for commissioned paintings range from about $200 to $1000.


 When a client commissions a painting, they have a unique opportunity to communicate with the artist and participate in the creative process.  A commissioned painting matches the client’s desires with the artist’s interpretation: The client may provide photos of a beloved pet or home, or a landscape to remember a treasured place. Powers enjoys collaborating with her clients; she values their input and appreciates their viewpoint.  Together, they explore the various ideas for a painting, and from there, Powers synthesizes these ideas into a painting.

Progression of Commissioned Paintings

 As she designs the elements of the composition, Powers sketches with charcoal directly onto the gesso board panel. She then works out details in thin washes of acrylic paint. Once a solid design and the underpainting is complete, and all the details are as close to perfect as possible, Powers begins the painting. An inspiration is transformed into an enduring work of art.


Please review the Portfolio for examples of Stephanie’s commissioned works.

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